Wow. While we admit she actually showed the ability to put sentences together for the first time in several weeks, it certainly says something for a candidate when he or she can declare a personal victory by not screwing up in a major way. When the expectations are low, there's nowhere to go but up. Sarah Palin continued her mastery of the non-answer, never quite responding directly to what possible achilles heel she may have, offering nothing about the state of the economy when asked or what programs her potential president might cut and she even got the last name wrong of the American general in command of U.S. forces in Afghanistan. What's more, though, are polls showing her opponent Joe Biden handily beat her and only a tiny gain of people who believe she's qualified to be our country's next vice president.
Read these op-ed pieces and news stories and you'll see that despite her "performance," many American voters and viewers recognize that you just can't polish a piece of balsa wood and make it sparkle like a diamond.
1 comment:
i could have said the things she said last night with the same prep time and a full on frontal lobotomy.
The skipping over the questions she couldn't answer really really floored me --- who does this woman think she is?
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