Hear that sound?
It's like buckets of rain falling on your roof during a storm. It's the deluge (oops! There's another big word Sarah Plain probably doesn't know the meaning of and would acuse me of being a snob for using) of criticism flooding down upon the GOP vice presidential nominee.
Here's what noted columnist Elayne Clift says...
Okay, you did it. You hoodwinked your party and a lot of other Americans too, I suspect, with your cheerleader’s charm and your finger-waving fervor. You got yourself called “Hottest VP.” Some say you “knocked it out of the park.” Well, I think you should be knocked out of the park, Sarah, and here’s why.
First, your hypocrisy is astounding. How can you possibly say that something like an unplanned pregnancy is a personal matter deserving of privacy? Doesn’t every woman who grapples with a painful abortion decision deserve the same privacy? What rock have you been living under that enables you to advocate for abstinence-only sex education when you can’t even teach that dubious value to your own daughter? Why do you speak of love and support for children (including the unborn) when your party refuses to legislate policies that would offer them decent healthcare and early childhood education and provide their mothers with a modicum of support, including paid maternity leave?
You are a selfish woman, Sarah, with dubious priorities. “J’accuse”, as writer Emile Zola wrote -- but you must pardon me for exposing my elitist education -- because as a mother myself, I cannot fathom how you would subject a teenage daughter in trouble to the kind of public scrutiny she now must endure in the interest of your own ambitions. At the risk of sounding like a failed feminist, I must also say that being the mother of a special needs child too, I just don’t get how you can abdicate the desperately important advocacy and monitoring that will be required in these first years of your son’s life. (I know your husband is deeply involved and responsible, but believe me, Sarah, no one does it like a mom.) As you said yourself, “Children with special needs inspire special love.” Where is your special love, Sarah? Family values, I might remind you, are not just a set of lofty ideals wrapped in grandiose rhetoric; they involve making hard choices in the best interest of everyone in the family.
By now many people are finding you either mean-spirited or remarkably ignorant. I think you are both. Nothing revealed these characteristics so much or so shockingly as your attack (and Rudy Guliani’s) on community organizing. “I guess a small town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer’ except that you have actual responsibilities,” you said. Don’t you get it, Sarah? Community organizing is what your beloved faith-based charities do! Community organizing by women all around this country is what happened in the 1970s and 80s to enable you to be taken seriously as a candidate for vice president, and to stand, God forbid, a heartbeat away from being the CEO of the most powerful country on earth. Community organizing is what got us the Americans with Disabilities Act which will serve your son well as he matures. I will never, ever, forgive you, Sarah, for your snide, sarcastic, demeaning, despicable disrespect for one of America’s finer traditions – or for your surly attacks on the media, America’s Fourth Estate and a pillar of any democracy.
Your much anticipated coming out party was billed as a way for all of us to get to know who you are. Well, Sarah, I know who you are. You are the bully in the sandbox, the teenager who thinks she can get her way by being flirtatious, the adult who thinks she can get by without doing the hard work and get ahead without paying much dues, the politician who believes that lies are more expedient than facts. I know who you are, Sarah, and I don’t like or trust you. I find you duplicitous, shallow, insulting and frighteningly retro – all qualities I am terrified to contemplate in a V.P. or a president.
For the record, by the way, here are just a few reasons, reported by the Associated Press, that I find you duplicitous and dishonest:
• You said you had protected taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending but the truth is that as mayor of Wasilla you hired a lobbyist and went to Washington every year to support earmarks for the town totaling $27 million. Since you’ve been governor Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal funding, the largest per capital request in the country. And that Bridge to Nowhere? You only dropped the idea after it was ridiculed nationally.
• You accused Barack Obama of never having authored a major law or reform, “not even in the state senate.” The fact is that as a new senator Mr. Obama worked in a bipartisan way to pass federal legislation, now law, that helped intercept illegal shipments of WMDs and made it harder to stockpile conventional weapons. He also co-sponsored major ethics reform legislation.
• You falsely accuse Mr. Obama of planning to raise all kinds of taxes without fully sharing his complete and complex tax plan. In reality, just for starters, the McCain-Palin plan would raise taxes for middle income taxpayers by 3% while the Obama-Biden plan would provide $80 billion in tax breaks, mainly for poor workers and the elderly.
• You and Mr. McCain continue to inflate your experience and role as governor in a state that ranks 47th in terms of population. For example, you may be in charge of your state’s national guard, but your authority does not include calling those guards into actual military service. (Alaska has one of the smallest state guards in the country, by the way.) Contrary to what John McCain has claimed, you do not have national security as one of your primary responsibilities.
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Even your own political pundits, Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy, were caught by a live mike calling your speech “political [expletive]” and bemoaning the fact that “It’s over.” Honey, I’m afraid that as the truth keeps surfacing and folks get beyond your being a “hotty,” and when you must finally respond to the press on the Sunday morning talk shows or at press conferences, and when the spotlight shines down upon you as you debate your formidable, experienced opponent you will no longer be the toast of your party. You will simply be toast. And that’s something I wouldn’t find hard to swallow at all.
Elayne Clift writes about women, politics and social issues from Saxtons River, Vermont.
Dear Elayne. I received an email from a friend of mine that contained a letter you wrote to Sarah Palin. She apparently thought it was "BRILLIANT". I just wanted to share my reply with you.
In a message dated 10/22/2008 5:09:34 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, Mstical Princess writes:
Hey girlie...
I always have had the most respect for you and have always thought you were an intelligent woman. I have also always admired the passion you have for your beliefs. But I am completely against trying to convince other people to adopt one's personal beliefs...specially when it comes to religion and politics. I think as adults...we are all capable of making our own decision and if we want to educate ourselves....there are plenty of venues to do that without anyone else volunteering unsolicited advice or thoughts.
The email you sent about Palin was kind of rude...because you are not certain that I am for or against either party. The email is attacking Palin with someone's POINT OF VIEW...not really facts. And those "facts" that are mentioned have NOTHING on the "facts" of other politicians. So one can't really take it seriously. The title itself is ridiculous. "BRILLIANT LETTER" Really? What was so brilliant about it? I thought it was actually pretty stupid. I could swear the chick that wrote it is a major bimbo. It wasn't even written eloquently...lol. It was a TOTAL joke.
Let me be the devil's advocate for a minute and analyze this. In MY OPINION....there is NOTHING "brilliant" about the following:
You hoodwinked your party and a lot of other
>>Americans too, I suspect, with your cheerleader's charm and your
>>finger-waving fervor.
Has this person writing the letter and making these accusations have a talk with McCain to find out why he elected her as VP? How did she conclude Sarah Palin deceived anyone??? Maybe McCain actually believes she has a background to be VP...maybe he just thinks she is hot...maybe it wasn't really HIS decision. Who knows. But for this Elayne person to ASSume that everyone is stupid enough to be fooled by ONE lady is extremely ignorant. If she is going to accuse....she better have facts. It didn't sit well with Democrats when Obama is accused of being a terrorist without facts...right? So why is it fair game to have Assumptions of Palin? And...who cares if she was a cheerleader or beauty queen? Why is that a bad thing??? Why even bring it up??? Elayne is THAT desperate for negative things to say that she twists something that is suppose to be an achievement into a negative? HOW SAD!!!!
You got yourself called 'Hottest VP.' Some say you
>>'knocked it out of the park.' Well, I think* you* should be knocked out of
>>the park, Sarah, and here's why.
HUH?? what the??? Sounds to me like our little Elayne is jealous or something. Typical catty and insecure woman. These statements don't even make an ounce of sense.
>> First, your hypocrisy is astounding. How can you possibly say
>>that something like* an unplanned pregnancy is a personal matter deserving
>>of privacy? Doesn't every woman who grapples with a painful abortion
>>decision deserve the same privacy?* What rock have you been living under
>>that enables you to advocate* for abstinence-only sex education when you
>>can't even teach that dubious value to your own daughter*?
So...Lets see. IF she was being a hypocrite about pregnancy and sex education...that makes her a hypocrite overall? I mean...really. Haven't we ALL been hypocritical at one point of our lives or another? Aren't we ALL inconsistent at some point in our lives? Aren't we all entitled to change our minds as we grow and learn???
When Elayne can prove to me she has never been hypocritical about ANYTHING in her life and that her children have followed EVERY rule and example she has set for them...THEN I will be ok with her making these ridiculous remarks. Also...Elayne REALLY should learn grammar. Any educated person knows if you are going to start your essay with "FIRST"...you need a second, third, fourth and lastly in there somewhere...lol. Didn't we learn that in jr highschool? Ya..such brilliance Elayne. *eyeroll*. And...if Holly is going to be spreading it around...perhaps she might want to get educated too.
>> Why do you speak of* love and support for children (including the
>>unborn) when your party refuses to legislate policies that would offer them
>>decent healthcare and early childhood education and provide their mothers
>>with a modicum of support, including paid maternity leave?
No one can say that because she believes a certain way...that she does not love and support children. I mean...please....give me a break. Another senseless accusation. Just like the ones being made about Obama. There are plenty of people (like myself) that CHOOSE not to have children for whatever PERSONAL reasons. Does that mean that we are not allowed to speak of love and support for children? Hmmm..I "betcha" someone could accuse me of not loving children if they wanted to make me look bad...no? But it wouldn't mean that just because they say it or write it...that it is true. Only a moron would believe that...and apparently this HOLLY LINDROTH is one.
>> You are a selfish woman, Sarah, with dubious priorities.
>>'J'accuse', as writer Emile Zola wrote -- but you must pardon me for
>>exposing my elitist education -- because as a mother myself, I cannot fathom
>>how you would* subject a teenage daughter in trouble to the kind of public
>>scrutiny she now must endure in the interest of your own ambitions.*
So..if someone's priorities are not the same as yours...that is being selfish? Let's see...my priorities are to work hard so my business keeps growing and to give to as many charities that protect animals. If someone that thought animals weren't worth living found out that I gave money to animals...they might say my priorities are all screwed up. Sort of like some people not understanding when someone leaves their inheritance to their dog. BUT...are those priorities really screwed up? Or are they just screwed up in THEIR eyes?...because in MY eyes...I am doing something to help innocent and defenseless creatures that *I* believe have every right being on this planet..and in MY opinion...my priorities are perfectly fine.
BUT if doing something that might expose your child to ridicule is selfish...well then...Bill Clinton takes THE AWARD for the biggest selfish bastard on earth...because the humiliation that his child had to endure due to his infidelity was very, very sad and hurtful. Getting some ass apparently was his first priority...not the well being of his child or the country. What is the difference between him and Palin Elayne???
Elayne, aren't you being the exact thing you are accusing Palin of...A MAJOR HYPOCRITE?? lol I would rather have someone put their children's well being at stake because they believe the can better the world than to do it because they want some ass, a blow job and playing hide the cigar with someone half their age. Why don't you write about THAT Elayne?
>> At the risk of sounding like a failed feminist, I must also say that
>>being the mother of a* special needs child* too, I just don't get how you
>>can* abdicate the desperately important advocacy and monitoring that will be
>>required in these first years of your son's life.* (I know your husband is
>>deeply involved and responsible, but believe me, Sarah, no one does it like
>>a mom.) As you said yourself, 'Children with special needs inspire special
>>love.' Where is your special love, Sarah? Family values, I might remind
>>you, are not just a set of lofty ideals wrapped in grandiose rhetoric; they
>>involve making hard choices in the best interest of everyone in the family.
What does this Elyne person know about the dynamics of Palin's family and relationship? Does she go visit them often? Has she witnessed Palin not being a good mom? I would be EXTREMELY offended if some outsider was to judge my relationships. What if you and your husband decided he would go back to school and you would support him. Or what if you had kids and for YOUR own personal reasons...as a couple decided that what is best for YOUR family was for him to be Mr Mom and for you to go out in the work force because you made twice as much money as him? Aren't there plenty of couples that are in that position? Would you take kindly if someone called your husband a loser without knowing WHY you TWO made that decision as a couple? Or had THE NERVE to accuse you of not being a good mother? Not too fair...huh? But Palin doesn't deserve the same respect because this idiot Elayne has different believes?? Come on.
>> By now many people are finding you either mean-spirited or
>>remarkably ignorant. I think you are both. Nothing revealed these
>>characteristics so much or so shockingly as your attack (and Rudy Guliani's)
>>on* community organizing*. 'I guess a small town mayor is sort of like a
>>'community organizer' except that you have actual responsibilities,' you
>>said. Don't you get it, Sarah? Community organizing is what your beloved
>>faith-based charities do! Community organizing by women all around this
>>country is what happened in the 1970s and 80s to enable you to be taken
>>seriously as a candidate for vice president, and to stand, God forbid, a
>>heartbeat away from being the CEO of the most powerful country on earth.
>> Community organizing is what got us the Americans with Disabilities Act
>>which will serve your son well as he matures. I will never, ever, forgive
>>you, Sarah, for your snide, sarcastic, demeaning, despicable disrespect for
>>one of America 's finer traditions - or for your surly attacks on the media,
>>America 's Fourth Estate and a pillar of any democracy.
I don't believe she is either of those things. I might not think she was the IDEAL candidate and pretty much think McCain's choice was wrong....BUT...not because I think she is ignorant nor mean spirited. I just don't think she has the experience that a VP would need. However, on the other hand...I kind of think its a breath of fresh air not having someone sooooooooooooo involved in the daily scummy politics (and I am talking about BOTH parties here). As far as her comment about Obama "just being a community organizer"....shame on her.
BUT...It is no different than when Hillary Clinton said that Laura Bush was "just a Librarian" or "all Barbara Bush did was bake cookies". And the Democrats didn't throw a fit about THOSE comments...but instead...praised them. Why? And why haven't we seen a "BRILLIANT" letter from Elayne witting about THOSE comments???
We ALL have important roles in our community...and no one should be looked down upon for the jobs they have or have had. I do find it ironic that this lady calls Sarah snide, sarcastic, demeaning, despicably disrespectful, etc etc...because isn't this "BRILLIANT" letter full of all of that???
>> Your much anticipated coming out party was billed as a way for
>>all of us to get to know who you are. Well, Sarah, I know who you are. You
>>are the bully in the sandbox, the teenager who thinks she can get her way by
>>being flirtatious, the adult who thinks she can get by without doing the
>>hard work and get ahead without paying much dues, the politician who
>>believes that lies are more expedient than facts. I know who you are,
>>Sarah, and I don't like or trust you. I find you duplicitous, shallow,
>>insulting and frighteningly retro - all qualities I am terrified to
>>contemplate in a V.P. or a president.
Sorry...this Elayne lady has no way of knowing who Sarah is...so for her to assume she does is just PLAIN IGNORANT. Sarah Palin was PICKED by McCain. She accepted. So why is this person accusing her of getting HER way and saying it was due to her flirtations, deceptions and not hard work. How much time has this "brilliant" Elayne spent with Palin? Has she seen her at work? I doubt it...so how can she accuse Palin of not working hard??? Isn't that as bad as accusing Obama of being a terrorist?
False accusations or unfounded accusations are WRONG...regardless of what party you support. And by spreading them around this Holly person is no better than the person that sent me that Obama mail saying he was a terroritst. If Elayne doesn't like or trust Palin...fine...its her right. But she needs to keep it to herself instead of ASSuming everyone is going to feel the same. I personally don't trust nor like Obama. And that is MY right. But I don't go around writing letters to him and spreading that hatred around the internet, as I pat myself on the back because some how..I "think' it was "Brilliant".
What would I prove with that, other than my being close minded and invasive? I also have nothing against a woman (or man) using their charm to persuade people. WE ALL do it daily. And anyone that says they don't is lying to themselves. We do it with cops, we do it with servers at a restaurant...we do it when we have to stand in long lines, we do it at work..etc. There is NOTHING wrong with that. And...what is this nonsense about "The politician that believes lies are more expedient than facts"???? Want to hear lies? "I did not have sex with that woman" How is THAT for a lie? UNDER OATH...might I add...lol.
>> For the record, by the way, here are just a few reasons,
>>reported by the Associated Press, that I find you duplicitous and dishonest:
>>*You said you had protected taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending but the
>>truth is that as mayor of Wasilla you* hired a lobbyist and went to
>>Washington every year to support earmarks for the town totaling $27 million*.
>> Since you've been governor Alaska has* requested nearly $750 million in
>>special federal funding, the largest per capital request in the country*.
>> And that Bridge to Nowhere? You only dropped the idea after it was
>>ridiculed nationally.
Obama took money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and who knows what other sources. And so do many other politicians. Biden has not done the best job in the state of Delaware...why doesn't Elayne write about that? And...how many times has Obama and Biden changed stands on their believes? Newsflash....ALL politicians get personal gains. Democrats, Republicans....they ALL get them. If anyone thinks any different...they are clueless and should NOT vote.
Another thing that cracks me up is this woman mentioning Palin changing her mind about the Bridge to Nowhere. All politicians change their minds at one point or another. Obama and Biden have done it often. So has McCain. Just like regular human beings do. Hell..sometimes I think I want Subway for lunch realizing later that I actually want tacos...so I have tacos. Is that a crime? People grow and learn everyday. Sometimes we THINK we know the full story about something only finding out later that we were wrong...and...we change our minds. That is allowed...no? lol
>> *You accused Barack Obama of never having authored a major law or reform,
>>'not even in the state senate.' The fact is that as a new senator Mr. Obama
>>worked in a bipartisan way to pass federal legislation, now law, that helped
>>intercept illegal shipments of WMDs and made it harder to stockpile
>>conventional weapons. He also co-sponsored major ethics reform
And Obama/Biden has accused McCain/Palin of many things that are not true. I am not sure what Elayne's point is.
>>* You falsely accuse Mr. Obama of planning to raise all kinds of taxes
>>without fully sharing his complete and complex tax plan. In reality, just
>>for starters, the* McCain-Palin plan would raise taxes for middle income
>>taxpayers by 3% while the Obama-Biden plan woul
d provide $80 billion in tax
>>breaks, mainly for poor workers and the elderly.
See Comment above on the false accusations. McCain/Palin would give large corporations tax breaks so they can grow and provide more jobs. If they have to downsize....no more jobs. Obama/Biden would increase taxes for entrepreneurs like myself...which means I will probably have to cut my staff and my growth, and I would be paying for welfare leaches to live off my hard work. I know this because I paid my accountant to run my numbers under BOTH scenarios. So...Obama's plan is NOT the best for EVERYONE. Just for some. The same with McCain.
So is there a wrong or right...or just what is right for each individual? Hmmm...what a concept. Try opening your mind up for a slight second to TRY TO COMPREHEND THAT.
>>**You and Mr. McCain continue to inflate your experience and role as
>>governor in a state that ranks 47th in terms of population. For
>>example,*you may be in charge of your state's national guard, but your
>>authority does
>>not include calling those guards into actual military service*. (Alaska has
>>one of the smallest state guards in the country, by the way.) Contrary to
>>what John McCain has claimed, you do not have national security as one of
>>your primary responsibilities.
And some people claim Obama doesn't have enough experience. What is the difference? Democrats, however, had a fit when people brought this up and claim experience has nothing to do with being able to run the country. Can we make up our minds please? Is experience important or not. If so...then neither Obama and Palin should be where they are....if not...then don't bring it up with Palin if you aren't going to bring it up with Obama.
>>Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Even your own political pundits, Peggy Noonan and Mike
>>Murphy, were caught by a live mike calling your speech 'political
>>[expletive]' and bemoaning the fact that 'It's over.' Honey, I'm afraid
>>that as the truth keeps surfacing and folks get beyond your being a 'hotty,'
>>and when you must finally respond to the press on the Sunday morning talk
>>shows or at press conferences, and when the spotlight shines down upon you
>>as you debate your formidable, experienced opponent, you will no longer be
>>the toast of your party. You will simply be toast. And that's something I
>>wouldn't find hard to swallow at all.
Elayne, Elayne, Elayne....Can you please be fair and also quote all the people that have praised Palin and that think its over for Obama? Oh wait...that would make this "brilliant" letter of yours more realistic and fair so you prefer to stick to TWO people's opinions...the two people that serve YOUR purpose ....BRILLIANT...ya...ah ha. *wink*
Swaying "facts" that benefit your point of view is just way too easy. Funny thing is...Sarah Palin did a much better job on the debate than anticipated. Of course...no democrats believe or would admit that...but they are biased. Listen to what the Republican's have to say about it. A little different...huh? Oh...but wait..you can't do that. You think YOU are right and have closed yourself to any other opinions.
But remember dear Elayne...this ridiculous letter is just that....YOUR OPINION. I am sorry to say that what Holly finds to be "BRILLIANT"...is nothing but a bad written, pathetic attempt to belittle someone and THAT is dirty, disgusting, childish, and most of all...IGNORANT.
So...Holly...keep passing it around and keep trying to "hoodwink" those stupid enough to believe Elayne's words. Because all it shows is that they are blinded by the party they support instead of REALLY reading all her words and realizing she is nothing but a moron and that there was NOTHING "BRILLIANT" about this nonsense.
(see? I can be mean and negative too...if I want to be...just like Elayne)
Soooooooooooo, back to my point....WE ALL HAVE OUR OPINIONS. WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT BELIEFS. WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT LIFESTYLES AND INTERESTS AND ALL DESERVE RESPECT. Alll this crap going back and forth full of hatred and disrespect is so sad. Did you truly think that sending a letter with such transparent nonsense and ugly hatred would make any difference on how anyone is going to vote?
ANYONE...ALL OF US...can find negative things to say about ANYONE if that is what we wanted. We want to destroy someone?....we can ALWAYS find something to help us do that..no?. Dinosaurs coexisting with humans....there being 57 states in the US...."jobs" being a 3 letter word, etc....scummy tactics are a dime a dozen. ANYONE can twist things around in their favor, as you will be able to see in the following links..
But how horrible...isn't it? Having to resort to this type of low blows? Its INSECURITY at its best. lol What is purpose of all of this negativity??? Write about the GOOD in who YOU support instead. That might be a bit more convincing...and..nicer.
Oh..but its ok for ELAYNE to be mean-spirited..right?
To be honest...I believe things from both parties. I am not the type to be black or white (no punt intended). I don't believe in being taxed more than less fortunate people or to be taxed more because you work smarter than other people. Period. Call me selfish but I believe that being charitable with your money should be a CHOICE...not an obligation. And I also have witnessed MANY fundraising events where "the rich" give MUCH back to the less fortunate. I actually often participate in them....and could care less what party they believe in because its about coming together to HELP OTHERS by CHOICE. So this portrait of all "rich people" or "white people" being evil and selfish is ridiculous and unfounded...sort of a "sad and uninformed" accusation. It would be like saying ALL people on welfare are lazy. And we know that isn't true. I also think that a woman's right to CHOOSE abortion is HER choice. I don't believe in illegal immigration from ANY country. I obviously believe marijuana should be legal...lol. and also believe in gay marriages and the equality for partnerships regardless of the gender. And hearing things like the AIG execs spending so much money on bs when we are suffering as a country due to bad economy just sickens me to death.
But this doesn't make me a Democrat nor a Republican...because most of all..AS AN INTELLIGENT WOMAN, I believe in case by case scenarios..and vote on ISSUES...not PARTY LOYALTY. I try not to make my vote personal. And I try to remain open minded and respectful to everyone's believes, even if different than mine...which is why normally I would never send forwards on political issues or religious issues...specially when I know that their believes are opposite to what mine might be or when I am not even sure what their beliefs are.
If it were up to me...John Stossel would be my vote for President.....either him or Paris Hilton are looking pretty good at this point. lol. So here is a little something to think about....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MUST WATCH: Do You Believe In Magic? Who is going to save our country? Democrats?? Republicans??
How much difference will it REALLY make??
Reality Check Time People...
WHOLE EPISODE: Politically Incorrect Guide to Politics
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 1 of 6
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 2 of 6
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 3 of 6
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 4 of 6
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 5 of 6
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 6 of 6
Meet Joe the Plumber
Stossel: Trudging Through NOLA Bureaucracy
Having Money Problems? The CEO's Fault?...Bush's Fault? Really? It's Not Your Fault, because its easier to blame others.
Should Some People Not Vote? WARNING: The Harm of UNDEUCATED votes.
Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad (1:51)
An ad for The Paris Hilton Presidential Campaign.
Paris Hilton Gets Presidential with Martin Sheen (2:28)
Paris seeks the advice of the most esteemed fake president of our generation.
And as much as I enjoyed writing this long ass email to make my point....I would also like to say that I certainly welcome "BRILLIANT" letters. But prefer that they be FOR REALS "brilliant" and from someone who's heart isn't as poisoned or closed minded...and that it is something positive. Perhaps maybe a letter from one of the families that "Women for Families" has helped.
Now THAT would be awesome and welcomed!!!
Please don't be offended by this email....as I said....its nothing personal..I just don't believe in spreading hate around. If we dish it...we need to be ready to take it. And so many people just like to dish but freak when it comes to taking it. Fair is fair...right? lol
PS...if you happen to think this email from me is "mean-spirited"...well then...now you know how Sarah feels...and btw Holly...Palin only has ONE L.
SAY NO TO UNEDUCATED VOTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Elayne. I received an email from a friend of mine that contained a letter you wrote to Sarah Palin. She apparently thought it was "BRILLIANT". I just wanted to share my reply with you.
In a message dated 10/22/2008 5:09:34 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, Mstical Princess writes:
Hey girlie...
I always have had the most respect for you and have always thought you were an intelligent woman. I have also always admired the passion you have for your beliefs. But I am completely against trying to convince other people to adopt one's personal beliefs...specially when it comes to religion and politics. I think as adults...we are all capable of making our own decision and if we want to educate ourselves....there are plenty of venues to do that without anyone else volunteering unsolicited advice or thoughts.
The email you sent about Palin was kind of rude...because you are not certain that I am for or against either party. The email is attacking Palin with someone's POINT OF VIEW...not really facts. And those "facts" that are mentioned have NOTHING on the "facts" of other politicians. So one can't really take it seriously. The title itself is ridiculous. "BRILLIANT LETTER" Really? What was so brilliant about it? I thought it was actually pretty stupid. I could swear the chick that wrote it is a major bimbo. It wasn't even written eloquently...lol. It was a TOTAL joke.
Let me be the devil's advocate for a minute and analyze this. In MY OPINION....there is NOTHING "brilliant" about the following:
You hoodwinked your party and a lot of other
>>Americans too, I suspect, with your cheerleader's charm and your
>>finger-waving fervor.
Has this person writing the letter and making these accusations have a talk with McCain to find out why he elected her as VP? How did she conclude Sarah Palin deceived anyone??? Maybe McCain actually believes she has a background to be VP...maybe he just thinks she is hot...maybe it wasn't really HIS decision. Who knows. But for this Elayne person to ASSume that everyone is stupid enough to be fooled by ONE lady is extremely ignorant. If she is going to accuse....she better have facts. It didn't sit well with Democrats when Obama is accused of being a terrorist without facts...right? So why is it fair game to have Assumptions of Palin? And...who cares if she was a cheerleader or beauty queen? Why is that a bad thing??? Why even bring it up??? Elayne is THAT desperate for negative things to say that she twists something that is suppose to be an achievement into a negative? HOW SAD!!!!
You got yourself called 'Hottest VP.' Some say you
>>'knocked it out of the park.' Well, I think* you* should be knocked out of
>>the park, Sarah, and here's why.
HUH?? what the??? Sounds to me like our little Elayne is jealous or something. Typical catty and insecure woman. These statements don't even make an ounce of sense.
>> First, your hypocrisy is astounding. How can you possibly say
>>that something like* an unplanned pregnancy is a personal matter deserving
>>of privacy? Doesn't every woman who grapples with a painful abortion
>>decision deserve the same privacy?* What rock have you been living under
>>that enables you to advocate* for abstinence-only sex education when you
>>can't even teach that dubious value to your own daughter*?
So...Lets see. IF she was being a hypocrite about pregnancy and sex education...that makes her a hypocrite overall? I mean...really. Haven't we ALL been hypocritical at one point of our lives or another? Aren't we ALL inconsistent at some point in our lives? Aren't we all entitled to change our minds as we grow and learn???
When Elayne can prove to me she has never been hypocritical about ANYTHING in her life and that her children have followed EVERY rule and example she has set for them...THEN I will be ok with her making these ridiculous remarks. Also...Elayne REALLY should learn grammar. Any educated person knows if you are going to start your essay with "FIRST"...you need a second, third, fourth and lastly in there somewhere...lol. Didn't we learn that in jr highschool? Ya..such brilliance Elayne. *eyeroll*. And...if Holly is going to be spreading it around...perhaps she might want to get educated too.
>> Why do you speak of* love and support for children (including the
>>unborn) when your party refuses to legislate policies that would offer them
>>decent healthcare and early childhood education and provide their mothers
>>with a modicum of support, including paid maternity leave?
No one can say that because she believes a certain way...that she does not love and support children. I mean...please....give me a break. Another senseless accusation. Just like the ones being made about Obama. There are plenty of people (like myself) that CHOOSE not to have children for whatever PERSONAL reasons. Does that mean that we are not allowed to speak of love and support for children? Hmmm..I "betcha" someone could accuse me of not loving children if they wanted to make me look bad...no? But it wouldn't mean that just because they say it or write it...that it is true. Only a moron would believe that...and apparently this HOLLY LINDROTH is one.
>> You are a selfish woman, Sarah, with dubious priorities.
>>'J'accuse', as writer Emile Zola wrote -- but you must pardon me for
>>exposing my elitist education -- because as a mother myself, I cannot fathom
>>how you would* subject a teenage daughter in trouble to the kind of public
>>scrutiny she now must endure in the interest of your own ambitions.*
So..if someone's priorities are not the same as yours...that is being selfish? Let's see...my priorities are to work hard so my business keeps growing and to give to as many charities that protect animals. If someone that thought animals weren't worth living found out that I gave money to animals...they might say my priorities are all screwed up. Sort of like some people not understanding when someone leaves their inheritance to their dog. BUT...are those priorities really screwed up? Or are they just screwed up in THEIR eyes?...because in MY eyes...I am doing something to help innocent and defenseless creatures that *I* believe have every right being on this planet..and in MY opinion...my priorities are perfectly fine.
BUT if doing something that might expose your child to ridicule is selfish...well then...Bill Clinton takes THE AWARD for the biggest selfish bastard on earth...because the humiliation that his child had to endure due to his infidelity was very, very sad and hurtful. Getting some ass apparently was his first priority...not the well being of his child or the country. What is the difference between him and Palin Elayne???
Elayne, aren't you being the exact thing you are accusing Palin of...A MAJOR HYPOCRITE?? lol I would rather have someone put their children's well being at stake because they believe the can better the world than to do it because they want some ass, a blow job and playing hide the cigar with someone half their age. Why don't you write about THAT Elayne?
>> At the risk of sounding like a failed feminist, I must also say that
>>being the mother of a* special needs child* too, I just don't get how you
>>can* abdicate the desperately important advocacy and monitoring that will be
>>required in these first years of your son's life.* (I know your husband is
>>deeply involved and responsible, but believe me, Sarah, no one does it like
>>a mom.) As you said yourself, 'Children with special needs inspire special
>>love.' Where is your special love, Sarah? Family values, I might remind
>>you, are not just a set of lofty ideals wrapped in grandiose rhetoric; they
>>involve making hard choices in the best interest of everyone in the family.
What does this Elyne person know about the dynamics of Palin's family and relationship? Does she go visit them often? Has she witnessed Palin not being a good mom? I would be EXTREMELY offended if some outsider was to judge my relationships. What if you and your husband decided he would go back to school and you would support him. Or what if you had kids and for YOUR own personal reasons...as a couple decided that what is best for YOUR family was for him to be Mr Mom and for you to go out in the work force because you made twice as much money as him? Aren't there plenty of couples that are in that position? Would you take kindly if someone called your husband a loser without knowing WHY you TWO made that decision as a couple? Or had THE NERVE to accuse you of not being a good mother? Not too fair...huh? But Palin doesn't deserve the same respect because this idiot Elayne has different believes?? Come on.
>> By now many people are finding you either mean-spirited or
>>remarkably ignorant. I think you are both. Nothing revealed these
>>characteristics so much or so shockingly as your attack (and Rudy Guliani's)
>>on* community organizing*. 'I guess a small town mayor is sort of like a
>>'community organizer' except that you have actual responsibilities,' you
>>said. Don't you get it, Sarah? Community organizing is what your beloved
>>faith-based charities do! Community organizing by women all around this
>>country is what happened in the 1970s and 80s to enable you to be taken
>>seriously as a candidate for vice president, and to stand, God forbid, a
>>heartbeat away from being the CEO of the most powerful country on earth.
>> Community organizing is what got us the Americans with Disabilities Act
>>which will serve your son well as he matures. I will never, ever, forgive
>>you, Sarah, for your snide, sarcastic, demeaning, despicable disrespect for
>>one of America 's finer traditions - or for your surly attacks on the media,
>>America 's Fourth Estate and a pillar of any democracy.
I don't believe she is either of those things. I might not think she was the IDEAL candidate and pretty much think McCain's choice was wrong....BUT...not because I think she is ignorant nor mean spirited. I just don't think she has the experience that a VP would need. However, on the other hand...I kind of think its a breath of fresh air not having someone sooooooooooooo involved in the daily scummy politics (and I am talking about BOTH parties here). As far as her comment about Obama "just being a community organizer"....shame on her.
BUT...It is no different than when Hillary Clinton said that Laura Bush was "just a Librarian" or "all Barbara Bush did was bake cookies". And the Democrats didn't throw a fit about THOSE comments...but instead...praised them. Why? And why haven't we seen a "BRILLIANT" letter from Elayne witting about THOSE comments???
We ALL have important roles in our community...and no one should be looked down upon for the jobs they have or have had. I do find it ironic that this lady calls Sarah snide, sarcastic, demeaning, despicably disrespectful, etc etc...because isn't this "BRILLIANT" letter full of all of that???
>> Your much anticipated coming out party was billed as a way for
>>all of us to get to know who you are. Well, Sarah, I know who you are. You
>>are the bully in the sandbox, the teenager who thinks she can get her way by
>>being flirtatious, the adult who thinks she can get by without doing the
>>hard work and get ahead without paying much dues, the politician who
>>believes that lies are more expedient than facts. I know who you are,
>>Sarah, and I don't like or trust you. I find you duplicitous, shallow,
>>insulting and frighteningly retro - all qualities I am terrified to
>>contemplate in a V.P. or a president.
Sorry...this Elayne lady has no way of knowing who Sarah is...so for her to assume she does is just PLAIN IGNORANT. Sarah Palin was PICKED by McCain. She accepted. So why is this person accusing her of getting HER way and saying it was due to her flirtations, deceptions and not hard work. How much time has this "brilliant" Elayne spent with Palin? Has she seen her at work? I doubt it...so how can she accuse Palin of not working hard??? Isn't that as bad as accusing Obama of being a terrorist?
False accusations or unfounded accusations are WRONG...regardless of what party you support. And by spreading them around this Holly person is no better than the person that sent me that Obama mail saying he was a terroritst. If Elayne doesn't like or trust Palin...fine...its her right. But she needs to keep it to herself instead of ASSuming everyone is going to feel the same. I personally don't trust nor like Obama. And that is MY right. But I don't go around writing letters to him and spreading that hatred around the internet, as I pat myself on the back because some how..I "think' it was "Brilliant".
What would I prove with that, other than my being close minded and invasive? I also have nothing against a woman (or man) using their charm to persuade people. WE ALL do it daily. And anyone that says they don't is lying to themselves. We do it with cops, we do it with servers at a restaurant...we do it when we have to stand in long lines, we do it at work..etc. There is NOTHING wrong with that. And...what is this nonsense about "The politician that believes lies are more expedient than facts"???? Want to hear lies? "I did not have sex with that woman" How is THAT for a lie? UNDER OATH...might I add...lol.
>> For the record, by the way, here are just a few reasons,
>>reported by the Associated Press, that I find you duplicitous and dishonest:
>>*You said you had protected taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending but the
>>truth is that as mayor of Wasilla you* hired a lobbyist and went to
>>Washington every year to support earmarks for the town totaling $27 million*.
>> Since you've been governor Alaska has* requested nearly $750 million in
>>special federal funding, the largest per capital request in the country*.
>> And that Bridge to Nowhere? You only dropped the idea after it was
>>ridiculed nationally.
Obama took money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and who knows what other sources. And so do many other politicians. Biden has not done the best job in the state of Delaware...why doesn't Elayne write about that? And...how many times has Obama and Biden changed stands on their believes? Newsflash....ALL politicians get personal gains. Democrats, Republicans....they ALL get them. If anyone thinks any different...they are clueless and should NOT vote.
Another thing that cracks me up is this woman mentioning Palin changing her mind about the Bridge to Nowhere. All politicians change their minds at one point or another. Obama and Biden have done it often. So has McCain. Just like regular human beings do. Hell..sometimes I think I want Subway for lunch realizing later that I actually want tacos...so I have tacos. Is that a crime? People grow and learn everyday. Sometimes we THINK we know the full story about something only finding out later that we were wrong...and...we change our minds. That is allowed...no? lol
>> *You accused Barack Obama of never having authored a major law or reform,
>>'not even in the state senate.' The fact is that as a new senator Mr. Obama
>>worked in a bipartisan way to pass federal legislation, now law, that helped
>>intercept illegal shipments of WMDs and made it harder to stockpile
>>conventional weapons. He also co-sponsored major ethics reform
And Obama/Biden has accused McCain/Palin of many things that are not true. I am not sure what Elayne's point is.
>>* You falsely accuse Mr. Obama of planning to raise all kinds of taxes
>>without fully sharing his complete and complex tax plan. In reality, just
>>for starters, the* McCain-Palin plan would raise taxes for middle income
>>taxpayers by 3% while the Obama-Biden plan woul
d provide $80 billion in tax
>>breaks, mainly for poor workers and the elderly.
See Comment above on the false accusations. McCain/Palin would give large corporations tax breaks so they can grow and provide more jobs. If they have to downsize....no more jobs. Obama/Biden would increase taxes for entrepreneurs like myself...which means I will probably have to cut my staff and my growth, and I would be paying for welfare leaches to live off my hard work. I know this because I paid my accountant to run my numbers under BOTH scenarios. So...Obama's plan is NOT the best for EVERYONE. Just for some. The same with McCain.
So is there a wrong or right...or just what is right for each individual? Hmmm...what a concept. Try opening your mind up for a slight second to TRY TO COMPREHEND THAT.
>>**You and Mr. McCain continue to inflate your experience and role as
>>governor in a state that ranks 47th in terms of population. For
>>example,*you may be in charge of your state's national guard, but your
>>authority does
>>not include calling those guards into actual military service*. (Alaska has
>>one of the smallest state guards in the country, by the way.) Contrary to
>>what John McCain has claimed, you do not have national security as one of
>>your primary responsibilities.
And some people claim Obama doesn't have enough experience. What is the difference? Democrats, however, had a fit when people brought this up and claim experience has nothing to do with being able to run the country. Can we make up our minds please? Is experience important or not. If so...then neither Obama and Palin should be where they are....if not...then don't bring it up with Palin if you aren't going to bring it up with Obama.
>>Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Even your own political pundits, Peggy Noonan and Mike
>>Murphy, were caught by a live mike calling your speech 'political
>>[expletive]' and bemoaning the fact that 'It's over.' Honey, I'm afraid
>>that as the truth keeps surfacing and folks get beyond your being a 'hotty,'
>>and when you must finally respond to the press on the Sunday morning talk
>>shows or at press conferences, and when the spotlight shines down upon you
>>as you debate your formidable, experienced opponent, you will no longer be
>>the toast of your party. You will simply be toast. And that's something I
>>wouldn't find hard to swallow at all.
Elayne, Elayne, Elayne....Can you please be fair and also quote all the people that have praised Palin and that think its over for Obama? Oh wait...that would make this "brilliant" letter of yours more realistic and fair so you prefer to stick to TWO people's opinions...the two people that serve YOUR purpose ....BRILLIANT...ya...ah ha. *wink*
Swaying "facts" that benefit your point of view is just way too easy. Funny thing is...Sarah Palin did a much better job on the debate than anticipated. Of course...no democrats believe or would admit that...but they are biased. Listen to what the Republican's have to say about it. A little different...huh? Oh...but wait..you can't do that. You think YOU are right and have closed yourself to any other opinions.
But remember dear Elayne...this ridiculous letter is just that....YOUR OPINION. I am sorry to say that what Holly finds to be "BRILLIANT"...is nothing but a bad written, pathetic attempt to belittle someone and THAT is dirty, disgusting, childish, and most of all...IGNORANT.
So...Holly...keep passing it around and keep trying to "hoodwink" those stupid enough to believe Elayne's words. Because all it shows is that they are blinded by the party they support instead of REALLY reading all her words and realizing she is nothing but a moron and that there was NOTHING "BRILLIANT" about this nonsense.
(see? I can be mean and negative too...if I want to be...just like Elayne)
Soooooooooooo, back to my point....WE ALL HAVE OUR OPINIONS. WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT BELIEFS. WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT LIFESTYLES AND INTERESTS AND ALL DESERVE RESPECT. Alll this crap going back and forth full of hatred and disrespect is so sad. Did you truly think that sending a letter with such transparent nonsense and ugly hatred would make any difference on how anyone is going to vote?
ANYONE...ALL OF US...can find negative things to say about ANYONE if that is what we wanted. We want to destroy someone?....we can ALWAYS find something to help us do that..no?. Dinosaurs coexisting with humans....there being 57 states in the US...."jobs" being a 3 letter word, etc....scummy tactics are a dime a dozen. ANYONE can twist things around in their favor, as you will be able to see in the following links..
But how horrible...isn't it? Having to resort to this type of low blows? Its INSECURITY at its best. lol What is purpose of all of this negativity??? Write about the GOOD in who YOU support instead. That might be a bit more convincing...and..nicer.
Oh..but its ok for ELAYNE to be mean-spirited..right?
To be honest...I believe things from both parties. I am not the type to be black or white (no punt intended). I don't believe in being taxed more than less fortunate people or to be taxed more because you work smarter than other people. Period. Call me selfish but I believe that being charitable with your money should be a CHOICE...not an obligation. And I also have witnessed MANY fundraising events where "the rich" give MUCH back to the less fortunate. I actually often participate in them....and could care less what party they believe in because its about coming together to HELP OTHERS by CHOICE. So this portrait of all "rich people" or "white people" being evil and selfish is ridiculous and unfounded...sort of a "sad and uninformed" accusation. It would be like saying ALL people on welfare are lazy. And we know that isn't true. I also think that a woman's right to CHOOSE abortion is HER choice. I don't believe in illegal immigration from ANY country. I obviously believe marijuana should be legal...lol. and also believe in gay marriages and the equality for partnerships regardless of the gender. And hearing things like the AIG execs spending so much money on bs when we are suffering as a country due to bad economy just sickens me to death.
But this doesn't make me a Democrat nor a Republican...because most of all..AS AN INTELLIGENT WOMAN, I believe in case by case scenarios..and vote on ISSUES...not PARTY LOYALTY. I try not to make my vote personal. And I try to remain open minded and respectful to everyone's believes, even if different than mine...which is why normally I would never send forwards on political issues or religious issues...specially when I know that their believes are opposite to what mine might be or when I am not even sure what their beliefs are.
If it were up to me...John Stossel would be my vote for President.....either him or Paris Hilton are looking pretty good at this point. lol. So here is a little something to think about....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MUST WATCH: Do You Believe In Magic? Who is going to save our country? Democrats?? Republicans??
How much difference will it REALLY make??
Reality Check Time People...
WHOLE EPISODE: Politically Incorrect Guide to Politics
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 1 of 6
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 2 of 6
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 3 of 6
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 4 of 6
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 5 of 6
20/20 - Politically Incorrect Guide To Politics - Pt. 6 of 6
Meet Joe the Plumber
Stossel: Trudging Through NOLA Bureaucracy
Having Money Problems? The CEO's Fault?...Bush's Fault? Really? It's Not Your Fault, because its easier to blame others.
Should Some People Not Vote? WARNING: The Harm of UNDEUCATED votes.
Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad (1:51)
An ad for The Paris Hilton Presidential Campaign.
Paris Hilton Gets Presidential with Martin Sheen (2:28)
Paris seeks the advice of the most esteemed fake president of our generation.
And as much as I enjoyed writing this long ass email to make my point....I would also like to say that I certainly welcome "BRILLIANT" letters. But prefer that they be FOR REALS "brilliant" and from someone who's heart isn't as poisoned or closed minded...and that it is something positive. Perhaps maybe a letter from one of the families that "Women for Families" has helped.
Now THAT would be awesome and welcomed!!!
Please don't be offended by this email....as I said....its nothing personal..I just don't believe in spreading hate around. If we dish it...we need to be ready to take it. And so many people just like to dish but freak when it comes to taking it. Fair is fair...right? lol
PS...if you happen to think this email from me is "mean-spirited"...well then...now you know how Sarah feels...and btw Holly...Palin only has ONE L.
SAY NO TO UNEDUCATED VOTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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