Folks, if you can understand Sarah Palin's skecthy non-answer to CBS-TV's Katie Couric in tis interview about when asked about whether John McCain campaign manager Rick Davis has a conflict of interest in accepting money from Fannie Mae, then please explain it to all of us.
This is the latest example of what happens when Palin is interviewed without the aid of a TelePrompTer or one of her minions from the McCain-Palin campaign shielding her from interviewers. Check out the interview in its entirety, courtesy of YouTube.
how long can this farce continue? Oh god...pat buchanan is going to try to defend this latest interview...i need a drink.
Glenn Greenwald at salon.com gets the memo:
Just to address what Kos said here, I've never believed that Democrats should ignore Palin and focus only on McCain. Quite the contrary, I've long argued that much more focus needs to be paid both to Palin's beliefs and her conduct in office, and have written much about those topics (see here, here and here, for instance). It's true that Palin, if uncriticized and left alone, would have remained highly popular and been a real political force for McCain.
I just thought that her real vulnerabilities -- the things Democrats should focus on -- were her extremist ideology and corrupt, power-abusing actions in office, not that she was incapable of answering questions from reporters or mastering political issues. That's where I was wrong -- and see here for still more evidence of just how shockingly incapable she is. That's more than just being inarticulate. It's exhibiting a complete inability to formulate a coherent thought about core issues.
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