There are few things I'd like to see more than Sarah Palin be denied in her bid for the vice presidency.
But it MUST be legally done.
So, even as one of Sarah Palin's biggest detractors, I strongly condemn the actions by hackers who illegally accessed her private email accounts. She is everything I don't want in a politician, but she's an American citizen and has the right to privacy -- and I defend her right to have that.
And these hackers aren't too bright. Don't they know the last thing we need is anything that will foster sympathy for her and her candidacy?
Let's keep the pressure on -- but keep it truthful and legal.
1 comment:
you are absolutely right but glenn greenwald points out the hypocrisy of many right wing bullies bleating about palin's loss of privacy:
Still, it's really a wondrous, and repugnant, sight to behold the Bush-following lynch mobs on the Right melodramatically defend the Virtues of Privacy and the Rule of Law. These, of course, are the same authoritarians who have cheered on every last expansion of the Lawless Surveillance State of the last eight years -- put their fists in the air with glee as the Federal Government seized the power to listen to innocent Americans' telephone calls; read our emails; obtain our banking, credit card, and library records; and create vast data bases of every call we make and receive and every prescription we fill and every instance of travel and other vast categories of information that remain largely unknown -- all without warrants or oversight of any kind and often in clear violation of the law.
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