Greetings from a non-partisan voter and concerned citizen with blue views and values living in a red state. Ever since I laid eyes and ears on her, read her history, examined her record and family background, I am utterly shocked that a presidential candidate would put someone of Sarah Palin's minuscule intellect, limited worldview, non-existent international experience, arcane personal beliefs and hypocritical views so dangerously close to the presidency.
I am outraged that so many in the American public clearly lack the intelligence to distinguish between style and substance and pack her outdoor rallies and like brainless sheep, hold "homemade" signs that Republican officials hand to them and loudly shout her name and wildly applaud her as she belts out empty, scripted slogans.
She doesn't believe women should have reproductive rights.
She claims to have visited Iraq, yet, as a Boston Globe story correctly points out, she never made it past the checkpoint into the country.
She claims to have said "thanks, but no thanks" to the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere," a $600 million pet project to link Ketchikan, town of about 9,000 to its airport on Gravina, an island where a whopping 50 people live, but in fact, she was a longtime supporter of it.
She doesn't believe dinosaurs ever existed.
She believes in a doctrine of sexual abstinence from birth until marriage, but that lesson didn't even sink in, in her own home, as her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant.
The Republican party has managed to shield her from most every media request for interviews and has painted reporters as villains for daring to subject her and her record to the same scrutiny as every other candidate in the presidential race.
Worst of all, the Republicans have the audacity and arrogance to sue the state of Alaska to prevent her from having to speak with an independent investigator looking into allegations that she abused her power as governor when she fired a state official for not firing her ex-brother in law, a state trooper.
Friends, we can't sit by and allow her to ride a wave of superficial, misguided adoration, vacuous rhetoric and a mystique factor into the Old Executive Office Building.
This blog is dedicated to informing all who care to read it, about why voting Sarah Palin into office would be an unmitigated disaster for our country and why American voters MUST make the smart choice and on November 4 cast their votes for Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
Your comments and ideas are most welcome.
Thank you.
holla...the truth is spoken here. we just have to do everything possible to educate people about palin's unsuitability due to her experience and record to be the VP of the USA.
Hi - thanks for commenting on my blog. I have a couple of links that have the information you were kind enough to share.
If I may suggest, would you be interested in correcting a couple of things on your blog?
The bridge to nowhere, for example was not to link Wasila to Anchorage. They are only about 30 miles apart on the Glen Highway and there is already a not terribly significant bridge that crosses the river between here and there. (I live in Anchorage)
Also, there are plenty of things to be concerned about with Sarah Palin, but I am pretty sure that if she hunts moose, it is for the meat, unless the animal is diseased or sick. I don't know if she hunts wolves, but I wouldn't be surprised if she did, though the whole idea makes my stomach turn.
I would hate to see your valid concerns disregarded because of some faulty information.
Please leave me another comment if you would like to discuss any of that -
Thanks - Amy Jones
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